Weekly Adult Bible Study Groups Sunday Morning Adult Bible Study 9:00am - Resumes September 22nd Meeting in person in the B2GCC conference room. Book of Genesis Led by Brad Tennant ------------------------------------ Tuesday Evenings College and Career Discipleship 7:00pm- Resumes this fall. At the home of Pastor Dave and Jeannette Bonselaar. Contact Pastor Dave for more information. ------------------------------------ Men's Wednesday Night Journey Group 7:00pm - Meeting in person at Bridge to Grace or Zoom option for those who want to participate remotely. Studying the Book of Acts Contact Dick Freeman for Zoom information at: dickfreeman0827@comcast.net or 678-778-0643 ------------------------------------ Ladies Bible Study Wednesday evenings from 7- 8:30 pm Meeting in person at B2GCC conference room or Zoom option for those who want to participate remotely. Studying: "Footsteps of the Savior" ------------------------------------ Saturday Morning Men's Fellowship & Bible Study Group 7:30 am - Studying the Book of Genesis. Meeting at: Café Au Lait